How to keep your Feline Friend Cool during the Hot Weather

Keeping your Cat Cool during the Hot Weather

Over the coming weeks, warmer weather looks set to hit the UK shores with a heatwave set to bring temperatures across the country to above 30 degrees.

But whilst many of us humans may enjoy the warmer weather sat outside with a nice drink and a burger or two on the BBQ, for our feline friends the rise in temperature will come as an unwelcome change.

Cats, particularly those with thicker fur, take quite a disliking to spikes hotter conditions as they find it difficult to control their own body temperatures and will often go off their food. Even the lions of the Serengeti (where temperatures can reach as much as 40 degrees) struggle with the extreme heat and will often be seen sheltered under a tree for most of the day.

So, when the hot weather hits, what can we do to keep our cats cool and relaxed and make their lives more comfortable? To help them through, we’ve created a quick 5 step guide that will guarantee the best lifestyle for your cool cat as we move through the British Summer.

1. Ensure there is plenty of shade:

Having areas of the home or garden that are cool and well shaded will provide some much-needed relief for your cat throughout the day and will allow them to relax outside of the sun’s rays. Outside shaded ground will also help to lower their core temperature when they’re lying down.

2. Keep all doors and windows open:

If your feline companion is more of a house cat and very rarely ventures outside, ensure that all of the doors and windows within your home are open to ensure good through breeze and to keep the room cool.

3. Avoid distracting or alerting them:

During the day when the weather is at its hottest, avoid coming in to too much contact with your cat as this will make them use more energy which will elevate their temperatures. When the sun goes down there’s plenty of opportunity too fuss them, so in the daytime try to let them relax in peace.

4. Ensure they drink plenty:

Whilst cats aren’t generally big drinkers and will find water sources away from their water bowls, during the hot weather make sure they always have plenty of water and are drinking regularly. Whilst this may seem fairly obvious to most, it’s amazing how many cat owners get in the habit of not putting out water for their cat because they know they generally get their fluids elsewhere.

5. Give your cat more wet food than dried:

Although most cat owners will tend to give their cats a mixture of wet and dry cat food throughout the day, during the hotter periods try to ensure that their diet is mainly comprised of wet food. Wet cat food has a lot more moisture in it which will help to keep your cat hydrated. They will also tend to graze more on wet food than dry during the warmer temperatures, so this will ensure they are kept well fed.