The importance of avoiding Sugar & Grains in your Cat Food

The importance of Grain & Sugar Free Food

It’s possible everyone knows someone who’s a token Health Nut. This person knows the nutritional value of everything from a steak to that wall over there, and is way too excited to tell everybody about it. Let’s call them Finn.

In the cat world, we are your Finn. We aren’t happy just being a totally awesome cat food company, we want to be a totally awesome cat food company that dishes out the best nutritional value and healthiest diets that can grace your cat’s palate. This is why keeping our recipes grain and sugar-free is such a priority. Sure, plenty (if not most) cat food brands contain both sugar and grains and claim to be fine and healthy, but Finn is here to tell you they’re wrong.

Felines are obligate carnivores, meaning a cat’s natural diet is quite low in grains. A diet containing meat-based protein, appropriate fat content, and low carbs is the ideal. This may seem silly to say, but your cat’s diet structure should look nothing like yours. Diet structure is why you can’t just feed your cat anything, and why, for example, your cat and dog food are different. They each have nutritional needs unique from any other species, including yourself. The levels of carbs, sugar, and other nutrients you eat could be devastating to your pet.

A diet free of grains and sugar can be incredibly beneficial to those kitties with food allergies and sensitivities. These can present as loose stools or itchy skin, but always ask your vet when you’re concerned about your cat’s health. Excess carbs in cat food can cause health concerns such as feline obesity or diabetes. There are other cat food companies that add sugar to their formulas as an added energy source, but we prefer the idea of legitimate energy sources cats are meant to eat, without all of sugar’s health consequences (like the diabetes). Some food labels can be ambiguous, so we make sure to spell it all out as simply as we can so you know exactly what you feed your furry best friend.

By replacing unnecessary fillers like grains and sugars with nutritionally rich ingredients you’ll recognise – like chicken – we happily do our part to contribute towards your cat’s long, healthy life.