How to ensure your Cat gets the correct levels of Nutrition

How to ensure your Cat gets the correct levels of Nutrition

Everyone knows that to keep a cat happy and healthy, they need a diet and lifestyle that meets their needs. Figuring out what those needs actually are, however, can take a bit more work digging around the interweb.

Meeting up with your friendly neighbourhood veterinarian is a great idea if you have questions about your cat’s specific needs. Since healthy feline diets are kind of our jam, we can give you the rundown about the general nutritional needs of cats. If your cat has unique conditions or allergies, your vet can help you bridge the gap between the information here and your kitty’s unique requirements.

To keep your kitty looking as fly as they feel, Omega 3 & 6 is vital to promote healthy skin, shiny fur, and prevent unhealthy levels of shedding. Omegas also support your cat’s immune system, liver function, eyes, brain, joints, cholesterol levels, and heart health. 

Although you’re bound to find plenty of low-grade cat foods containing sugars, fats should be your cat’s main source of energy. While sugars are cheaper, there are many ramifications to your cat’s wellbeing that come from cutting this culinary corner. 

Sugars are used mainly to give pet food a caramelised colour that pet owners find appealing, and add nothing to the taste or appeal to cats themselves. Similar to humans, this unnecessary sugar intake is harmful to their dental health and could contribute to feline obesity.

The water content of your cat’s meals can be a great way to promote proper hydration. Wet food can be especially helpful if you have any concerns about the amount of water they’re taking in during warmer seasons or due to a condition. 

To state the obvious, cats are carnivores and need a diet with a high meat content food. The protein in meats supports your cat’s heart, vision, and reproductive system in ways plants simply can’t match. While there is some value in including certain plants in your kitty’s meals, they most certainly should not be the basis of their diet.

To summarise, cat food should be: primarily high-quality meats with appropriate fat content, low in sugars and carbs, free of grain and other junk additives, and abundant in Omegas. Wet foods can help keep your cat hydrated, and your veterinarian can clarify any confusion or uncertainty you may have about what your specific cat should be eating.

At the Cool Cat Club, we’re all about supporting cats and cat owners. Our kitty meals are designed to appeal to cats and give owners peace of mind, knowing they are giving their furry friends the absolute best and keeping them healthy!