Why Cat food delivered monthly via a subscription makes more sense.

Why a Cat Food Subscription Service makes sense.

For years we’ve tended to buy our cat food from the supermarket. We get choice and it’s often part of our weekly shop. Rather than having to remember and having to lug it home, what if we could have it conveniently delivered to our door.

We buy more and more of our needs from online retailers and have them delivered. We can compare prices and order to our house without having to lift a finger (or bag). So the convenience is there but when buying whenever we run out we are plagued with having to remember and often fluctuating stock levels meaning your cats favourite food isn’t there for them when you need it. 

Similarly, the price levels often fluctuate. At first, a seemingly good price is available, whereas the next time you look at it it’s moved upwards playing havoc with your stress levels! Cats don’t like having their food constantly changed and therefore a solution that provided good food, delivered consistently every month and at an accessible price would be ideal. Step forward cat food via a subscription service.

Cat food via a regular monthly delivery enables many benefits including peace of mind with no issues over stock levels, fluctuating prices, or ever running out.

When we see the word ‘subscription’ however, we often think of being locked into a contract and inflexibility. Most subscription companies are in fact very flexible…you are able to adjust, pause or cancel your subscription anytime!

As we know, cat food, however we buy it, must be healthy. It must have a high meat content, grain free and sugar free to be healthy and most natural to cats. Most food in supermarkets or available from online shops isn’t and some subscription services aren’t either so it’s always important to check this most fundamental aspect first! At the other end of the spectrum some premium, healthy food companies charge a premium price! It’s fair to say premium ingredients do cost more to produce but some companies literally take the biscuit and add on a large margin. No-one likes being ripped off. 

The Cool Cat Club enables you to access healthy food at an accessible price. It also gives you the convenience of ordering both wet & dry food in one place that many don’t and always prioritises existing subscribers over new ones so you’ll never run out! It’s why it’s fast becoming the leading cat food food subscription company and loved by cool cats everywhere!

Getting a cat food subscription is becoming the preferred and sensible way for many cat owners. The all round convenience and peace of mind as well as making our lives that bit simpler make it a ‘no-brainer’ to those already benefiting from it.