How to ensure your Cat stays hydrated

Keeping your Cat Hydrated

Cats are notorious for their tricky hydration habits. Drinking enough water is key for a healthy, happy pet, and yet you may be finding that getting sufficient water into your cat is proving more complicated than you would have expected (and definitely more difficult than appreciated).

The general benchmark is to give your cat fresh water at least once a day, yet many cats scoff at such lowly standards. They have stubbornly enduring instincts from their wild ancestors and keen senses of smell and taste, so the slightest detail awry could be causing your cat to pass on the water you’ve offered.

For starters, the best water bowls are ceramic, glass, or metal. Give plastic a hard pass; your cat can taste it in the water and will likely be put off. Tap water will do, and filtered tap water is best since they can smell and taste the impurities and chemical additives such as chlorine.

Quite often we can find our cats forego their water dish, but jump at the opportunity to lap at a running faucet. You can thank their instincts for this; in the wild, stagnant water is likely to be contaminated and unsafe to drink. Their inner wildcat may be telling them that the water they drink from the tap is safer than what you’ve put in their bowl, even if they’re both coming from the same place.

A simple solution that keeps your kitty off the counter and out of the sink is to supply them with a feline drinking fountain. While this may sound strangely extravagant to some, these little fountains agitate the water to soothe your cat’s instinctive suspicions and let them drink at ease, knowing their water is safe and clean.

Being true opportunists, your cat has likely taken their chances with sticking their noses into your own glass of water from time to time. They’ve seen you drinking it and they trust you, so they can already assume the water is safe to drink. Your glass of water is probably also much cooler than the water that’s been sat in their bowl. Cats often perceive cooler water as being fresher, which makes plenty of sense when you think about the running water they’re likely to find outdoors. Waterfalls and rivers tend to be brisk, while standing water, sitting still in the sun, warms into the perfect harbour for bacteria and other contaminants.

Wet foods, such as our own fantastic cat food subscription offerings at the Cool Cat Club, can help keep your kitty hydrated and satisfied while providing them with sufficient water. Finding a good balance for your beloved feline may take a bit of trial and error, but you’ll be rewarded with their health and happiness.