Helping your Cat to Adventure Outside

Understanding how to satisfy your Adventure Cat

You’re bound to take your cat on some form of excursion eventually. Whether it’s the necessary visits to your local veterinarian or something more recreational, you’ll want the journey to be pleasant for all involved.

Short trips will be the easiest and simplest to manage as long as you are well prepared. You will need a pet carrier your cat fits into comfortably, regardless of the length of your travels. Leave the carrier out and open beforehand for your cat to explore and familiarise themselves with, so it isn’t entirely foreign to them when the time comes to travel in it. Stocking it with a few favourite toys and a cosy blanket that smells like home can also help your kitty feel calm and safe while locked away inside. 

While driving, your cat should always be inside the carrier instead of roaming free within the car. Even on long drives when it can be especially tempting, it is incredibly dangerous for them and yourself. Instead, be sure to take breaks to give you both time to stretch your legs safely. 

For journeys that allow for a bit more flexibility, fitting your cat with a leash and harness may be an option. Not all cats enjoy or tolerate this, but for those that do, a good leash can open up the opportunity for more grand adventures. A leashed cat can go for a walk around the neighbourhood with you (similar to how you would walk a dog but arguably more interesting) or even accompany you on a plane if you check with your airline before flying. 

If you want to take your cat on mini excursions about town but find a leash isn’t practical or welcome, there are even cat packs you can wear that your cat will comfortably fit inside. They are worn like a backpack, with a little window for your cat to observe the world as it goes by.

Before deciding how to travel with your cat, you obviously need to be mindful of their needs and any health risks. Make a plan, but be flexible, since the break in routine and unfamiliar environments are naturally stressful and could be distressing to your furry friend. Also ensure that your plan includes all the necessities such as food, water, and litter, as these can sometimes get forgotten in the excitement of adventure.

Ultimately, as long as you have a good plan and work with your cat and their unique needs and personality, the world is yours to explore! From vet visits to forest hikes, you may be surprised by the places your kitty will be happy to follow you. All you need is a little patience, preparation, and – just to be sure – their favourite Cool Cats snacks.