At the Cool Cat Club we love stories of cats doing their thing and reaching heights us humans can only try and strive to reach. So when we heard the story of Stubbs, the cat who wanted to be mayor, we just had to tell you about it. Famous cats are now a well-played trope… Continue reading Stubbs – The Cat who would be Mayor
Category: Uncategorized
How to care for Disabled Cats
Feline disability comes in many shapes and forms and, of course, managing it will look different from cat to cat. The most important aspect of caring for your own disabled cat is to communicate with your veterinarian whenever necessary and to know your cat’s unique needs and personality. Whether they are disabled from birth or… Continue reading How to care for Disabled Cats
How to ensure your Cat gets the correct levels of Nutrition
Everyone knows that to keep a cat happy and healthy, they need a diet and lifestyle that meets their needs. Figuring out what those needs actually are, however, can take a bit more work digging around the interweb. Meeting up with your friendly neighbourhood veterinarian is a great idea if you have questions about your… Continue reading How to ensure your Cat gets the correct levels of Nutrition
Preventing Feline Obesity
While not all overweight cats are obese, feline obesity is the most common nutritional disorder in cats. A cat is considered obese if its weight is 20% or more above the healthy range. Posing a very real threat to your cat’s health, obesity ought to be taken seriously and dealt with quickly. Feline obesity increases… Continue reading Preventing Feline Obesity
What to do if your Cat has a sensitive stomach
Nobody enjoys seeing their beloved pet in a state of discomfort. If you’ve noticed your cat seems to be having digestive difficulties, such as (brace yourself): fur balls, vomiting, constipation or diarrhea, or excessive flatulence, it might be time to look into the possibility of sensitivities. First and foremost, consult your vet to rule out… Continue reading What to do if your Cat has a sensitive stomach
How do Raw Cat Food Diets effect your Cat?
Fad diets are an epidemic. Your social media probably has a handful of folks peddling some new-fangled range of foods that promise to make you more fit, healthy, and energetic, with the added bonus of Insta-worthy aesthetics and flashy gymwear. Believe it or not, cats (or, rather, their owners) are not immune to this system… Continue reading How do Raw Cat Food Diets effect your Cat?
Why do cats sit on laps?
Cats have no shortage of odd and bewildering behaviours. Many, if not most, are mysteries we can only speculate on, since cats haven’t mastered the ability to speak yet (although there’s an abundance of YouTube videos that imply they may be catching on). Although experts in the field of feline research have their theories, with… Continue reading Why do cats sit on laps?
Spotting SAD in your cat & how to help them
As we trudge through more days of gloomy weather, be aware of potential changes in your cat’s behaviour that seem to mirror the changing of seasons. You may be familiar with Seasonal Affective Disorder (aka SAD) and its prevalence among people who live along the latitudes prone to particularly dreary winters. SAD is a condition… Continue reading Spotting SAD in your cat & how to help them
The importance of avoiding Sugar & Grains in your Cat Food
It’s possible everyone knows someone who’s a token Health Nut. This person knows the nutritional value of everything from a steak to that wall over there, and is way too excited to tell everybody about it. Let’s call them Finn. In the cat world, we are your Finn. We aren’t happy just being a totally… Continue reading The importance of avoiding Sugar & Grains in your Cat Food
Introducing our New Cool Cat Club Flavours!
Variety is the spice of life, and we’re happy to help you spice up your cat’s life! We’ve been hard at work in the kitchen and are now offering two delectable additions to our wet foods range; Chicken & Duck, and Ocean Fish. The Chicken & Duck dish is based on our already popular Chicken… Continue reading Introducing our New Cool Cat Club Flavours!