Why Do Cats Get Hairballs?

cat grooming its paws
Why Do Cats Get Hairballs?

If you’ve ever watched your cat hack up a hairball, you know it’s not exactly a pleasant experience for you or your furry friend. So, why do cats get hairballs, and what can you do about them? 

Here’s everything you need to know about cat hairballs, including what causes them, how to prevent them naturally and when they may indicate a health issue and its time to seek a vet’s advice.

Not one to read whilst eating – You have been warned… 

Cat grooming its paw with its eyes closed

What Are Cat Hairballs?

Hairballs form when your cat swallows excess fur while grooming. It goes without saying that cats spend a significant amount of their day grooming, using their rough barbed tongues to remove loose things like dirt and fur from their coats. Most of this fur passes harmlessly through their digestive system, but if there’s too much then some can stick around in their stomach, forming the start of a hairball.

When this fur cannot pass through their digestive system, it’s eventually coughed up in the form of a wet, compact mass we lovely call a hairball. While the occasional hairball is common, frequent or very large hairballs might be a sign that your kitty needs attention.

What Do Hairballs Look Like?

In short, not ball-shaped!

They’re more tubular than spherical – think little (insert your cat’s fur colour) sausages rather than ping-pong balls. 

Why Do Cats Get Hairballs?

There are a few common reasons why cats get hairballs, and these depend on your feline’s age, breed and grooming habits:

  1. Natural Grooming Behavior: Anyone who has been around a cat for longer than five minutes, knows that they’re highly attentive groomers, and it’s this habit that makes hairballs a common experience. Longer-haired cats, such as Ragdolls, Maine Coons, Siberian or Norweigan Forest Cats are more prone to hairballs simply because they have more hair to shed, increasing the amount they ingest.
  2. Shedding: Cats shed their coats in cycles, typically at the end of the winter and summer as the temperature starts to shift. During these times, they may swallow more fur while grooming, leading to more chance of a hairball.
  3. Digestive System: Unfortunately cats’ digestive systems aren’t designed to process large amounts of hair, so after collecting in their stomachs, it needs to be expelled. 
  4. Underlying Health Conditions: If your cat has started to get hairballs more frequently, it could also indicate health concerns. If hairballs are becoming a regular occurrence this is a sign to take a trip to the vet to make sure nothing more serious is going on.

How to Prevent Hairballs in Cats Naturally

While hairballs are a common occurrence for many cats, there are natural ways to reduce their frequency and make life a little easier for your cat.

  1. Regular Grooming: Brush your cat frequently, especially if they’re a long-haired floof. Regular brushing helps to remove loose fur, reducing the amount your cat swallows. Grooming your cat a few times a week (or daily during seasonal changes) can significantly decrease hairballs.
  2. Hydration: Keeping your cat hydrated is essential to their digestive health. Ensure they have access to clean, fresh water at all times. Proper hydration can support their digestive tract and help move ingested hair through their system rather than it storing up in the stomach. If your cat’s not a big drinker, switching to a wet-food diet can up their hydration intake easily.

    Read more on our hydration tips here. 
  3. Hairball Treats: There’s some debate about how effective these are, but natural hairball-control treats and supplements can aid digestion and reduce the risk of hairballs. We’d recommend looking for options made with natural ingredients designed to move along your cat’s digestive system and encourage hair to pass through their system.
  4. Encourage Play and Exercise: Whilst fun for you both, exercise can also improve your cat’s overall health including their digestion. Making time for regular play sessions with your kitty can reduce stress, keep them active and may lead to less excessive grooming.

When to Worry About Hairballs

While hairballs are typically harmless and considered ‘common’, they’re not strictly ‘normal’ and some signs may indicate another issue. If your cat is frequently coughing hacking or having trouble expelling a hairball it’s time for a check-up with your vet.

Similarly, if you notice symptoms like loss of appetite, constipation or changes in their grooming behaviour get in touch with your vet, as these could also point to underlying health issues.


Cats get hairballs as a natural result of their well-documented grooming habits, but there are effective ways to prevent them. With regular grooming and plenty of hydration, you can help reduce the occurrence of hairballs and keep your cat comfortable and healthy. If hairballs become frequent or problematic be sure to get in touch with your vet to rule out any health issues.